Installation of OpenCV2 / OpenCV3 with Python and Anaconda

This is first tutorial of the series beginning with installation instruction of opencv2 / opencv3 in python anaconda virtual Environment . We will come with lot of exciting blog like face detection and recognition in video/image/livestream , object or people tracking etc , So stay tuned and subscribe for more updates .

We are installing it on MAC OS , you need below tools to setup OpenCV:
  1. Xcode
  2. Homebrew
  3. Anaconda
  4. OS X

Step 1: Install Xcode

  1. Go to App Store , Search for Xcode
  2. Install it .

Step 2: Install HomeBrew
  1. Open Terminal(Application->Utilites->terminal)
  2. Write this following in terminal:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install python

Step 3: Install Anaconda Python Package

Follow the Installation instructions, should be pretty standard, however Continuum has a guide here.
Type Conda Info and check Installation . click here for Anaconda cheat sheet .

Step 4: Create Conda Virtual Env and setup OpenCV

You can choose either OpenCV2 OR openCV3 

OpenCV2 Installation
Execute below commands in your terminal
conda create --name ComputerVision python=2.7 -y
Conda activate ComputerVision
conda install -c menpo opencv -y
pip install opencv-python
conda install -c anaconda numpy -y
conda install pandas -y
conda install -c anaconda sqlalchemy -y
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib -y
OpenCV3 Installation
Execute below commands in your terminal
conda create --name ComputerVision3.5 python=3.5
Conda activate ComputerVision3.5
conda install -c menpo opencv3
pip3 install opencv-python
conda install -c anaconda numpy
conda install pandas
conda install -c anaconda sqlalchemy
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib

Step 5: Execute code in Jupyter Notebook

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Activate Conda environment using : Conda activate ComputerVision3.5
  3. Type ipython OR jupyter notebook in terminal
  4. Open New Notebook if jupyter notebook chosen .
  5. Type Below commands to check installation :
    1. import cv2
    2. import numpy as np
    3. Print('Importing Libraries')

If you still facing any issues . Leave a comment here OR go to my youtube video :
